Someone once said love is the most miss used word in our days and I think I will agree with him. As a christian everything we do should portray Christ right? Or at least we should be different from the rest of the standards of the world. Of late I've been trying to study what love is and what love is not. Trust me I am amazed but that is a story for another day. My aim today is just to express my amazement of God's deep and unconditional love. His kind of Love It's reckless for us His kind of Love Will never give up Till the whole world knows how far He went to show His kind of Love People never come to understand how God loves, especially if one has no relationship with Him. I believe there's power in love. Many have tried to rob Love off its power by the limitation of their understanding but when I look and study how Christ walked on this earth I can see a love that is unexplainable yet so tangible. What I mean is its too deep to put it in the words o...