
Showing posts from October 30, 2016


There is nothing as sure, constant and pure as God. There many things we will try to lean on for our fulfillment but as long as its nothing to do with God it never lasts. Again if our faith is built on Christ, it is able to stand many trials but if it is built on any other foundation,it never lasts a test. Where I'm I going with this?


I wonder how often we think about the cross. We listen to sermons and play music about it over the Easter season but really, how often do we consider the price Christ paid for us? Has it just turned into one of those things we hear so much that it loses meaning or does it still deeply remind us of how much we have been loved? Ulibeba yote( You took up everything) Ulibeba yote(You took up everything) Ulisema, yote yamekwisha( You said It is finished) Ulibeba yote( you took up everything) God sent His Son to die so we could be reconciled to Him. This sacrifice so great that words cannot actually make us fully comprehend what kind of love this is. Yet we can be sure of one thing- He came that we may have life and have it in abundance. It is therefore really sad that we forget so fast. We live in bondage to sin like we have no hope. We fail to reach our full potential because we are too busy trying to carry burdens that He already lifted. Too busy trying find ways to get ...