
Showing posts from May 27, 2018


Sometimes things go dark. So dark that life ceases to make sense... Sometimes things go wrong and just when we think they can't get any worse they actually do... Sometimes we get weak...or as we like to say, life happens. This song, I believe, is for those times when life happens. Because those are the times we are prone to forget the truth we very much proclaim to know. Those  are the times we question our faith in God, we question His love for us, we question the very Words we so clearly heard Him speak to us. This song is a reminder to never forget in the darkness what we know to be true in the light. Cheta, Cheta (remember, remember)


One day Jesus asked his disciples who people said he was, (Mathew 16:13-20) . They went ahead and listed what other people thought he was. Then Jesus asked who the disciples thought he was, and Peter replied, "The Messiah, the Son of the Living God." Jesus went ahead and declared a blessing over Peter for knowing whom He was. Mark this however, he told him that this was not revealed to him by flesh and blood. Nilitoka njia ya Bingu nilikoitwa mimi (I have left the heavenly way)