I was not sure if I wanted to blog about anything today but this song is too loud in me. It's lyrics just talks about so much that I and most of us who are in a personal relationship with God can testify together with the writer. You are a good good Father It's who You are, It's who You are, It's who You are And I'm Loved by You It's who I am, It's who I am It's who I am I feel so thankful for knowing and experiencing God over and over. I do not regret because indeed He has been a sure and perfect Father. His Love keeps reminding me He is not man that He should lie. Most of the times even when I do not want to think about it because I am angry and frustrated He still has a way of making His word work in me. He whispers His tender mercies and unmerited favor in everything I look at. I am not the perfect person but one thing I am sure about is I AM LOVED BY HIM. This day I worship my Father... He sure is my Good Father. His ways are perf...