I know this is a season everyone is talking about love gone wrong or right and this reminds me of one of my most favorite pieces I ever put together. I dedicate it to all my friends out there... So they asked Him If a woman who remarries several times dies Who among the husbands would be hers in Heaven And He told them none Oh yes none of them will claim to own her for she will be complete He who created her and knit her together in her mother’s womb will complete her He who called her beautiful will fulfill her He who authored and completed her faith will be her all in all The picture of this glory leaves me in owe A love that is limitless A love that knows no beginning or end We know when we started loving him, our lovers Some say love at first sight Others say it grew through the passing time But His is not tied to time It is not tied to a romantic description of her walking by and striking his emoti...