Make it Out Alive

"Trust the process." I am certain you have heard or read that phrase countless times by now. It's one of the things we tell ourselves when life isn't looking quite like we hoped it would at one point or the other- to remind us to stick to our guns just a little longer. The point is usually that whatever tough season we find ourselves in is part of the bigger picture, part of a million little pieces that fall into place at different times to bring out something beautiful in the long run. Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash Trusting the process amounts to different things for different people. Or different things in different seasons. It can look like sticking it out at a job you don't necessarily like as you build the capacity to get to wherever you want to be. It could also be sticking to a work-out routine for months on end before noticing a change in your body. The bit most people resonate with is enduring seasons of financial difficulty before finally getting to ...