Send Help

Send help I can’t keep up I am trying to. But every passing day feels Like I’m fighting a losing battle Everything is burdensome- even breathing. They say do more of the things that make you feel alive (or is it happy?) But what happens when Even those things mean nothing at all? What happens when I just oscillate from numbness to pain and back? What am I supposed to do then? Photo by nikko macaspac on Unsplash Send help I can’t keep up People are supposed to Know how to balance activities… responsibilities But all I can do at best is one thing a day And most days the best I can do is try and keep breathing. They say count every little thing a success- even breathing But what happens when What’s expected of me is more than to just stay alive? What happens when staying alive actually means Living up to a whole lot of expectations And yet I have no strength or will to do anything? What am I supposed to do then? Send...