Lie no. 1- "You're supposed to have it all together. And when they ask how you're doing, just smile and tell them, never better." Lie no. 2- "Everybody's life is perfect except yours So keep your messes and your wounds and your secrets safe with you behind closed doors." Throughout the month of May, you probably came across a lot of information about mental health wellness. All the same, it can never be said enough- it's okay to not be okay. So many people walk around looking like they have everything figured out, yet they are falling apart bit by bit. And then one day they snap in one way or another and everyone is shocked because they seemed totally fine. There's thinking that you have to always have it together. Then there's knowing that you don't, but still feeling stuck because you have no idea who to turn to. Few things hurt as much as reaching out for help and ending up feeling misunderstood and more worthless than before. So we ...