Wewe ndiwe Mungu Hubadiliki
(You are God, You never change)
Oooh, Ni Baba yangu nakuabudu
Uaminifu wako, bila kipimo
(Your faithfulness, with no limits)
Nayo matendo yako, ninayajua
(And Thy deeds I know them)

Life is not the easiest journey we were called to take, but it is not by power but by the spirit of God. One of the things that I know is that Faith is what keeps us going.
Remember Paul mentioned the shield of the armor of God as Faith in Ephesians 6. The Psalmist also said that God's faithfulness is His Shield. We may not know how far we will get but from what the word has testified of who God is we can be assured that He never fails and and He is not going to start now.
Today I worship Him for I know His deeds in my friends' and my own life.
He is God and He never changes.
Song: Wewe ndiwe Mungu
Artist: Paul Mwai
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