A story they are writing today
A wall that they are climbing
You can carry the past on your shoulders
Or you can start over
No matter what you go through
He gave it all to save you
He carried the cross on His shoulders
Let me start by saying Happy New year to you from Sly and Vicky. This is our first blog this year and I am so excited about what God has in store for those who Love Him.

Jesus did not come for the strong in spirit or for those who got everything under control. If that was the case then He wouldn't be refered to as a friend of sinners. He says, come unto me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest... He says His york is easy and his burden is light. There are many things that try to wear us down but Loving Christ is one way to lay aside your burdens at His feet.
It is okay to start over. It is okay to look at it differently. It is okay to let go of that wearing you down. We are not perfect but we have a perfect Savior and friend. Infact even when your faith is failing tell him like one of the men whose child was healed by Christ..."Lord I believe... but help my unbelief." This year... I want to be still at all times, but I know I am prone to forgetting how... So as I start over, I let Christ remind me over and over again plus I will ride on what He says I am... not what I see.
Have a blessed year full of Faith and Peace.
Song: Start Over
Artist: Flame ft NF
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