financial position. Out of them one is able to know the progress of the company over a period of time and that was what I was trying to evaluate about myself too.
Long story short, at the end of the day I could feel that nagging force of trying to make myself better creeping in. Some people would call it the ideal self. Without realizing it, I started thinking of the things that I needed to change.
Maybe earn more, take more responsibility over my bills (being a student), fulfill the many promises I had made but never kept and the pressure started building up. Then I suddenly realized how inadequate I was. I went from an enthusiastic person trying to appreciate the steps made to a stressed person trying to figure out how one would make this life more perfect. How I hated the feeling.
Wait a minute, isn't this the place that actually reminds us that we are human and that for us in Christ we have a helper who is stronger, wiser and complete. It is probably a place we all come by. We all want to be better and reliable. Like for me many people know me as the one who mostly got everything figured out. However, it is not every time that we will be happy with our progress or know what to do about that project that seems to be stagnant but even though this can try to make us feel overwhelmed, we are reminded by the Holy Spirit to be still and remember who's we are. It is not an excuse to be careless but instead a foundation to be able to build our plans on and have peace and grace to follow through graciously.
Bwana umchungaji wangu, sitapungukiwa
(The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want)
Huniongoza kando ya maji, matulivu
(He leadeth me besides the still waters )
Wairejesha roho yangu, na kuiongoza
(He restores my soul and leads it)
Kwenye njia takatifu nisaidie
(In the way of righteousness, so help me)
(That I may see you)
Nipate kuwa, wa kusikia
(That I may hear you)
In times of pressure it is very easy for us to forget that the shepherd of our soul is our guide. We can easily miss the still small voice because of the loud noise of inadequacy. It is only wise that when you sense the unpleasant state creeping in that you say a short prayer as this:
Uniweke, kwenye kivuli cha mabawa yako
Hide me under the shadow of Your wings
Unilinde... Nikamilike
Guide me, That I may be complete
Then He will still your heart and you will find yourself back in a place of peace and rest.Inspired by Nikamilike by Annita Peace
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