We all have role models and some of us have mentors. We have people that we admire in our lives and others that do not even know us but we aspire to get to where they are... Maybe socially, spiritually or career wise.
Stepped in at the right time,
It's 'cause of you that I write rhymes
You probably never knew that
I loved the way you used to come through,
Teach me to do the things that men do
You showed me stuff I probably shouldn't have seen,
But you had barely made it out your teens,
And took me under your wings
I wanted hats, I wanted clothes just like you,
Lean to the side when I rolled just like you
Didn't care if people didn't like you,
You wanna bang, I wanna bang too
Skyline, pyru
You would've died, I would've died too,
You went to prison, got sick, lost your pops,
Yeah, I cried too
You never know who's right behind you,
I got a little son now and he do whatever I do
But it's something deep inside you,
That tell you it's gotta be more than doing what other guys do,
They had nobody there to guide you
But I followed your footsteps and this shouldn't surprise you,
You realize you, you realize you, you,
Yeah, I just wanna be like you
However, there's a perfect example we are called to be like. His name is Christ. He calls us to be one with Him in order to impact the world. The best thing about this is that He has already graced us to do it. We fall short but in Him we are the righteousness of God. He perfects us and in obedience we get there with time.
Taught us that real leaders follow God,
Finish the work 'cause we on our job
Taught us not to rob
But give life love a wife like He loved the Church,
Without seeing how many hearts we can break first
I wanna be like you in every way,
So if I gotta die every day
Unworthy sacrifice
But the least I can do is give the most of me
'Cause being just like you is what I'm supposed to be
They say you came for the lame,
I'm the lamest
I made a mess but you say you'll erase it,
I'll take it
They say you came for the lame,
I'm the lamest
I broke my life, but you say you'll replace it,
I'll take it.
Inspired by Just Like You
Artist/Band: Lecrae ft J Paul
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiDOyQCCpKs
Dear, Uncle Chris, Uncle Keith, Uncle Ricky,
Before the Lord get me I gotta say something quickly
I grew up empty since my daddy wasn't with me shoot,
I wasn't picky I'd take any male figure
Before the Lord get me I gotta say something quickly
I grew up empty since my daddy wasn't with me shoot,
I wasn't picky I'd take any male figure
Stepped in at the right time,
It's 'cause of you that I write rhymes
You probably never knew that
I loved the way you used to come through,
Teach me to do the things that men do
You showed me stuff I probably shouldn't have seen,
But you had barely made it out your teens,
And took me under your wings
I wanted hats, I wanted clothes just like you,
Lean to the side when I rolled just like you
Didn't care if people didn't like you,
You wanna bang, I wanna bang too
Skyline, pyru
You would've died, I would've died too,
You went to prison, got sick, lost your pops,
Yeah, I cried too
You never know who's right behind you,
I got a little son now and he do whatever I do
But it's something deep inside you,
That tell you it's gotta be more than doing what other guys do,
They had nobody there to guide you
But I followed your footsteps and this shouldn't surprise you,
You realize you, you realize you, you,
Yeah, I just wanna be like you

I was created by God but I ain't wanna be like Him,
I wanna be Him
The Jack Sparrow of my Caribbean
I remember the first created being,
And how he shifted the blame on his dame
For fruit he shouldn't have eaten
And now look at us all out of Eden,
Wearing designer fig leaves by Louis Vuitton
Make believing
But God sees through my foolish pride,
And how I'm weak like Adam another victim of Lucifer's lies
But then in steps Jesus,
All men were created to lead but we needed somebody to lead us
More than a teacher,
But somebody to buy us back from the darkness,
You can say He redeemed us,
I wanna be Him
The Jack Sparrow of my Caribbean
I remember the first created being,
And how he shifted the blame on his dame
For fruit he shouldn't have eaten
And now look at us all out of Eden,
Wearing designer fig leaves by Louis Vuitton
Make believing
But God sees through my foolish pride,
And how I'm weak like Adam another victim of Lucifer's lies
But then in steps Jesus,
All men were created to lead but we needed somebody to lead us
More than a teacher,
But somebody to buy us back from the darkness,
You can say He redeemed us,
Taught us that real leaders follow God,
Finish the work 'cause we on our job
Taught us not to rob
But give life love a wife like He loved the Church,
Without seeing how many hearts we can break first
I wanna be like you in every way,
So if I gotta die every day
Unworthy sacrifice
But the least I can do is give the most of me
'Cause being just like you is what I'm supposed to be
They say you came for the lame,
I'm the lamest
I made a mess but you say you'll erase it,
I'll take it
They say you came for the lame,
I'm the lamest
I broke my life, but you say you'll replace it,
I'll take it.
Inspired by Just Like You
Artist/Band: Lecrae ft J Paul
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiDOyQCCpKs
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