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What births my ambitions?
What brings forth the picture of my future?
What motivates my plans?
What is the anchor of my life's ship?
Is it my past...
Those facts that are really not facts but are tucked into my brain because...
He said... She said... They said...
And now it defines my being
Is it the cares...
The worries of this life that make me too afraid to handle any other downpour of events that test my strength
Or it may be the wants...
The long for a satisfaction
An entire calculation of needs
A combination of my own and of the people I hold dear
And now I see this will... desire... ambition...
How corrupt and contaminated it is
Full of selfish gain at its end
What value is it to add to the people that look up to me
Physical value? Well that will perish
But what is it that is all we really need?
Christ prayed for the will of the Father to be done
And His will brought peace, life... made dreams come alive
His will saved a creation that knew no portion of His love for them
His will made a fallen being have life through the risen Christ
And now I see how of no value my will really is
And I I allow God to work in me to will and to act according to His good purpose
Phillipians 2:13
Then His will will consume my will and fill me with a desire that accomplishes my purpose and out pours His riches on the earth...
And His will is then my will
Piece by Tali Victory
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