Nikajaribu kutafuta msaada sikupata(I tried to look for help but I didn't find it)
Nikaendea wanadamu mwisho wakanidharau (I went to men, they looked down on me)
Kumbe msaada wa wanadamu unatoka kwa Mungu(So' the help of man comes from God!)
Nilijua wapo wenyehaki wa kubarikiwa tu(I thought there were those just meant to be blessed)
Kumbe baraka ni haki ya kila mmoja(Only to find out that blessing are a right to everyone)
Nimebadili wazo langu namwelekea Mungu(I changed my mind and looked to God)
Kwake msaada wangu unapatinaka(From Him, comes my help)
Msaada wa mwanadamu ni wa muda mfupi(Man's help is but for a short time)
Nami zamu yangu ya kubarikiwa weee...(And this is my time to be blessed)
Today I'd love us to turn from a victim mindset to one which is confident of this, "I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."
Wakati ni huu wa kubarikiwa(This is the hour of the blessing)
Zamu ni yangu, sasa kupokea(My season to be blessed)
Nimechoshwa na shida za dunia(I'm tired of the cares of this world)
Napokea kwako (I receive from You)
Isn't He the same God who parted the red sea? Isn't He the same God who sent the ravens to feed Elijah? I'm not discounting help from people. He oftenly uses people to execute His plans and reach out to us, but He can use animals, nature, objects, even donkeys to speak just to make sure that His will is executed.God told the Israelites to forget the former things, not because they were all bad, but because they had gotten used to the past miracles, and now it was limiting God's new way of doing things. See from wherever the help will comes from it is sent from God. When someone is sent to deliver a mail or a package, who gets the appreciation at the end of the day? Is it the delivery guy or the sender? The mistake we make is focusing on the means of delivery rather than the sender Himself. So whatever you have been praying for, whatever you are believing God for, do not limit the giver to the delivery guy. God is a creative Father. He is not boring, He will do it His way. Trust Him. Receive from Him. Whatever He promised, He will fulfill.
The Psalmist said, "I look up to the hills, from where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord who made the heavens and earth." Jesus is the centre of all goodness and as long as He reigns, He will keep on doing good.
Inspired by Napokea Kwako
Artist/Band: Janet Otieno ft Christina Shusho
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2jCpK4P634
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