The late Dr. Myles once taught that the richest place on the earth is the cemetery. There you will find books that were never written. Big minds that never lived to their full potential and never helped solve the world's problems. It is sad but it is true. This is because either their lives were cut short before their time or they just settled for something less than what they could have achieved.
The kingdom of God suffers violence but the violent take it by force or as Joyce Meyer puts it, only the violent get to enjoy it.
Faith is not the easiest thing to achieve. If it were then we would not have to be reminded time after time to keep the faith. The gospel of grace is not as easy as some people may think. That's why it is still not embraced by everyone. You have to keep listening and reading to be able to live by it.
And we will never settle for less
We know there's more that's found in you
It's in You Lord, it's in You Lord
We know there's more that's found in You.
It is not easy to keep going. In fact it is cheaper to settle than to pursue our calling, purpose and God himself. Like in a court case, you will need to pay extra time for the lawyer and to keep researching to defend your case. Standing out is not something that you are spoon fed. You work hard and smart to be better than yesterday.
Let me remind you something today, the fact that you are in Christ is the best assurance you have to you be an example of excellence. It is evident from the bible that all who walked with God were distinct. There's more that is found in Christ if we are willing to drink of His well that never runs dry.

Mathew 7 says ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door shall be opened for you. I believe this is the sequence we should follow. Ask of the Lord what His will is for your life then once you know, seek it then once you find it, knock and the door will be opened. Above all remember, seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all the rest shall be added unto you. Not forgetting also the we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and Christ in us is the hope of all glory.
Inspired by: Never settle for less
Artist/Band: Khaya
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