I want to win wars.
No, not the kind you're thinking about
The kind that happen deep within
The ones against my very self
When I'd rather hold a grudge
Yet I know I'm called to forgive
When it feels better to soar in pride
Than to let the 'glory' pass me by
When it's easier to drown in sin
Than to make the sacrifice to walk in holiness
When I'd rather blend in
Than dare to say that I am Christ's and He is mine
I want to win wars
Wars against voices
Voices that tell me I'm not enough
The ones that tell me I don't have what it takes
To be all that God says I can be.
The ones that tell me there is more condemnation
When He says there is no condemnation
Voices that say I can do no-thing
When He clearly says I can do all things
The ones that mock when I try to be joyous
Yet He says to rejoice always
The ones that rise to cause chaos
Every time I choose to be still and know...
The ones that point out everything that is wrong
The moment I start to give thanks
I want to win wars
But when I look at myself my soul sinks
Because I know better than anyone
That my flesh will fail me again and again.
But then I look to Jesus and my soul soars-
He says, "Be of good cheer... I have overcome the world."
No, not the kind you're thinking about
The kind that happen deep within
The ones against my very self
When I'd rather hold a grudge
Yet I know I'm called to forgive
When it feels better to soar in pride
Than to let the 'glory' pass me by
When it's easier to drown in sin
Than to make the sacrifice to walk in holiness
When I'd rather blend in
Than dare to say that I am Christ's and He is mine
I want to win wars
Wars against voices
Voices that tell me I'm not enough
The ones that tell me I don't have what it takes
To be all that God says I can be.
The ones that tell me there is more condemnation
When He says there is no condemnation
Voices that say I can do no-thing
When He clearly says I can do all things
The ones that mock when I try to be joyous
Yet He says to rejoice always
The ones that rise to cause chaos
Every time I choose to be still and know...
The ones that point out everything that is wrong
The moment I start to give thanks

But when I look at myself my soul sinks
Because I know better than anyone
That my flesh will fail me again and again.
But then I look to Jesus and my soul soars-
He says, "Be of good cheer... I have overcome the world."
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