It is very easy and common to artribute your success to either hardwork, background or even luck. Very few people will remember that it is not by power nor by might but by the spirit of God as it is written in the book of Zachariah. So what do you give credit to for your success? Who gets the glory in your life?
Maybe I succeeded a little
I jumped from the floor to the middle
You think I want the credit I don't
Cause the glory, ain't made for me, no
I know who sits on the throne
Who makes the stage and writes the songs
And I know, I couldn't do this on my own
And as much as I complain
I've seen more sunshine than rain
I could thank, My lucky stars
But that's not where, my blessings are
No, They come from the father's heart
Not the sky, not chance
The truth is... I'm not Lucky I'm loved.
Psalms 20:7 ,"Some trust in horses, some trust in chariots. But I will trust in the name of the Lord." David wrote and said so.

Someone once said that luck is preparation meeting opportunity. I say that you get your breakthrough when God says it's time. He loves us enough to prepare us along the way and teach us through the calling. It is never by chance. Nothing happens while God is asleep because He never sleeps nor slumbers. Even when it looks like those in power are not the right ones, God knows why He allowed them to be there. And when good days come, don't forget that it is the Father who wants you to have happy days. All things work together for good to those who love the Lord and have been called according to His purpose.
Your miracle is not luck, it's God's help at an appointed time. Time and seasons are in His hands.
Inspired by Not Lucky, I'm Loved
Artist/Band: Jonathan McReynolds
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