How to pursue stability...

So, the one big achievement I desire this year, some may call it a goal others a resolution, whichever works best for you, mine this year is stability. I really want
stable relationships, a stable career, learn how to manage my emotions and make decisions that promote this stability I so long for.
The one thing that I have learned so far that is an enemy to me finding stability or constant peace is pressure. And believe you me, I hate pressure. I have nothing against people who love the idea of working well under pressure. For me, pressure causes panic, and panic is nothing close to stability.
So this song, Pressure by Jonathan Mcreynolds has been my prayer
I can't even turn on my phone
Without being reminded of the lie
That I am alone, broken unsuccessful
I can't always talk to my friends
Coz they've got expectations
That I may or may not be living up to
I really need to rid myself
Off the pressure, pressure, pressure
To be someone else that the world has made
Jesus take from me
All the pressure, pressure, pressure
To be someone that you did not create
This is the kind of lyrics that you feel like it is you talking and not the singer.
Imagine the world we live in. Us millennials being accused of wanting things too fast, yet society also expects us to grow up as fast. Everywhere you turn is a reminder that there's a kind of life that you need to be having. You need to give yourself a break. Forget what is supposed to happen and start embracing new and exciting change.

I'm a believer of one truth that is Christ but I'm also a believer of the God of the seas and the land, the
sun and the moon, the prayer warrior and the preacher, the doctor and the faith. Yes, we have choices and mine is not to bend to the pressure and a constant mindset that refuses to be flexible. I hope this will be for you too. Stability does not mean stagnation, it means going through different tides and still remaining firm and founded.
Soar, explore, love hard, cry when it hurts, try again when you fail, help a sister or a brother out who really needs you despite what people think of them and keep learning. Do not lose yourself, but allow him/her to advance. Following God's leading is following peace, that peace within you.
Inspired by Pressure
Artist/Band: Jonathan Mcreynolds
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