This is one of those songs that literally gives one goosebumps. A prayer asking to be led by the Holy Spirit, and a commitment to truly act according to the leading that's given.
One would think that that plan is everything but solid. How exactly are walls supposed to come down just by people matching and shouting? But Joshua relays these instructions to the Israelites and they obey. And guess what? God does His part and the walls go down.
If You say "It's wrong", then I'll say "No"
If You say "Release", I'm letting go
If You're in it with me, I'll begin
And when You say to jump, I'm diving in
If You say "Be still", then I will wait
If You say to trust, I will obey
I don't wanna follow my own ways
I'm done chasing feelings-
Spirit lead me
Goosebumps because it really is easier said than done. Half the time- or maybe most of the time many of us will find ourselves leaning more towards our feelings than what we know for sure God is asking us to do. Especially when it's uncomfortable, painful or generally just somewhat odd😊.
I'm reminded of Joshua 6:1-20 -The Israelites are supposed to conquer the city of Jericho. It has been securely shut. God tells Joshua that He has already given them the city. All they have to do is march around it for seven days- once for six days and seven times on the seventh day. Then the priests are to blow the trumpets, followed by a great shout from the people, and the walls will come down flat. Just like that.

Maybe Joshua felt like that wasn't really a logical plan. He may even have wondered how on earth he was supposed to convince the people to go through with it. But he trusted God anyway.
God sees the end from the beginning. So even when our feelings nudge us to act like we have no idea what He's saying, maybe out of fear or pride or even laziness, let us trust Him anyway. Trust Him enough to stick to His plan because no matter how crazy it gets He won't bail out on us.
I pray that as we ask to be led, we may find grace to truly follow.
Inspired by: Spirit lead me
Artist/Band: Michael Ketterer and Influence Music
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