This season is becoming exhausting, right?
When Covid-19 was officially declared a pandemic and nations started going on lock-down, a good number of us figured it would be gone after a month or two at most. The idea of staying home didn't sound so bad- especially for those who barely get a break from work. Learners being sent home also wasn't an issue- after all, it's only for a short while, no?
Now it's been months down the line and life isn't back to what it used to be yet. For some, one moment it looks like we're headed back to normalcy then the next we have to go back into hiding. The numbers keep going down and suddenly rising again. We're losing our nerve. The children are becoming too much to handle and it's seeming exhausting to have to spend every waking day around the same environment with the same people.
When it all started armies of us prayed fervently. We made declarations, full of faith that it would be gone before we said Amen. But the news kept getting worse. Time kept flying by. Now, some of us still believe, some kind-of still believe while others honestly have no idea what to think. We're at, "God, what on earth are You exactly up to?"
Things seem to be falling apart but this is a reminder that God still is in control. This season did not catch Him by surprise. It did not throw Him off-balance.We may not see exactly what He's doing but we can be sure that even now He is with us- Hebrews 13:5, Matt 28:20.
When Covid-19 was officially declared a pandemic and nations started going on lock-down, a good number of us figured it would be gone after a month or two at most. The idea of staying home didn't sound so bad- especially for those who barely get a break from work. Learners being sent home also wasn't an issue- after all, it's only for a short while, no?
When it all started armies of us prayed fervently. We made declarations, full of faith that it would be gone before we said Amen. But the news kept getting worse. Time kept flying by. Now, some of us still believe, some kind-of still believe while others honestly have no idea what to think. We're at, "God, what on earth are You exactly up to?"
As I reflect, I find perspective
There in the best and worst days of this life
You were always on my side.
You're in the pain, You're in the promise
And on the days the furnace finds my faith
You're the fourth within the flames.

It's a fine time to call to mind the things we have seen Him do before, whether big or small, for us or for others we know or have read about. To remind ourselves of the times when all seemed lost but He still came through. The testimonies of people like Lazarus being raised from the dead after four days, Joseph being sold into slavery and turning out to be the savior of his race, the Hebrew boys who were thrown into the furnace and still came out unscathed- we could go on and on.
I don't need to know what the future says.
'Cause if the past could talk it would tell me this-
My God isn't finished yet,
If He did it before He can do it again
So I trust Him with what comes next
For the God I know is known for faithfulness.
No matter where you are right now- still fully trusting God, kind-of still trusting or too baffled to even know what to think- it is well. God will come through in His time. And even if He doesn't do it the way we think He should, He's still God, He's still good and we're infinitely loved. As we keep journeying through this season my prayer is that the peace that surpasses human understanding will guard our hearts and minds because Christ already overcame.😊
"These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace.
In the world you will have tribulation;
but be of good cheer,
I have overcome the world."
John 16:33
Inspired by: Hindsight
Artist/Band: Hillsong Young and Free
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