I know this is a season everyone is talking about love gone wrong or right and this reminds me of one of my most favorite pieces I ever put together. I dedicate it to all my friends out there...

So they asked Him

If a woman who remarries several times dies

Who among the husbands would be hers in Heaven

And He told them none

Oh yes none of them will claim to own her for she will be complete

He who created her and knit her together in her mother’s womb will complete her

He who called her beautiful will fulfill her

He who authored and completed her faith will be her all in all

The picture of this glory leaves me in owe

A love that is limitless

A love that knows no beginning or end

We know when we started loving him, our lovers

Some say love at first sight

Others say it grew through the passing time

But His is not tied to time

It is not tied to a romantic description of her walking by and striking his emotions with her beauty

He is the one who made her as He desired her to be so…

He is not struck by her beauty, for it is His beauty that is expressed through her

Related image
See… This earth will pass away

Relationships down here have a limit

They have a time and an estimate

Biased to their own

But His…

His goes from generation to generation

It does not increase or decrease for it is perfect

Stable, Firm and founded strongly in His nature

So before her parents knew they would have her, He loved her

As He knit her together in her mother’s womb, He adored her

As she took her first breath on the earth, He embraced her

As she went from, a young dreamy angel to a mature hardworking young adult, He rejoiced over her

Through the tears and the cheers, He understood her

In her singleness and her marital home, He strengthened her

In Her success and failures, He justified her

And in her transition through death, He will be waiting for her

To wipe of the tears of her eyes

And put an end to her cries

And crown her, for she has always been His lovely queen and still adorable princess

And in the sweet by and by

She will be dancing in His unending Love.

Poem by Tali Neddy


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