I know if You wanted to You could wave Your hand
Spare me this heartache and change Your plan...

Countless times I prayed for my brother to get well. To be extremely okay. I believed with every fiber in my being that God would surely heal him. I negotiated, I made promises, I begged, I declared... you name it, I did it.

You see, my brother had this condition that had him taking medicine practically every single day of his life. And some days we even thought he was finally completely healed. But then one night out of the blue he got one of those attacks we were all familiar with...except that this time that was the final blow. He never saw another daylight.
And I know any second You could take my pain away
But even if You don't I pray...

We've all probably been in a situation where we prayed and believed but somehow things didn't turn out the way we'd hoped. In such cases the hardest thing is to believe that God's plan is still perfect and that in the end God wins. Sometimes after a long while we realize that whatever happened was for our good, for instance in Joseph's case of being sold by his brothers. But then again sometimes it never makes sense no matter how many years we wait. So, can we still trust God?
Well, it's been two years since my brother breathed his last. I've had my moments of hope and anger and fear and doubt, even gratitude...of thinking I'm "over it" and then falling apart majestically- it's not always an easy road. But God never leaves. The beauty of having Christ is that no matter what happens He is our ultimate reward. A job may be lost, friends may disappoint us, things we have prayed over may go the opposite way, something we have worked to build may tumble down in minutes but it is well. Because of Christ these waves cannot swallow us...these fires cannot consume us no matter how wild they get.

..."Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward."
-Genesis 15:1b(NKJV)

 He says to ask and it shall be given to us- and ask we will. He will answer in His own time and sometimes not according to what we thought was best.So my prayer is that every single day we may desire God above everything else. That He may reveal to us this truth- He is our exceedingly great reward. He is enough. More than enough.
Help me want the Healer more than the healing
Help me want the Saviour more than the saving
Help me want the Giver more than the given
Help me want You Jesus
More than anything.

Inspired by: More than anything
Artist: Natalie Grant


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