If God was to ask a human on how to treat another human
Then I would not be where I am
I would have been told that I was not worthy
They would have seriously warned You
And reminded You of my past sins
You bless whoever You wish 
You bless however You see fit
Many at times the thing that blocks our growth is
the worry of how people will receive our dream, how will they feel about this step? Will this brand be received? Is my experience enough? Does my age fit the task? I'm I tall or slim enough? Does my image portray that of a public speaker? Are my decisions approved by the society or my family?... The list is endless. Many at times we forget to find assurance from God; who has the final say, first before we present our ideas or dreams to the world.
Just imagine the difference it would make if we walked in the assurance of God's approval. You go for an interview knowing that the Holy Spirit went ahead of me and so everything will be okay. You start a company knowing that you have the mind of Christ so every decision you put yourself to make you know they are inspired of the Lord. You release a song because God ministered to you and you trust that He will use it however He wishes.

This does not only apply when we are about to do or start something... it also comes in handy during the wait. Everything on the outside seems to disagree but God promised that you will finish school and that is all that should matter. When someone in your life is struggling with an addiction, say drugs and everyone else has given up on them but deep down you believe in the assurance that God says He will free them. The bible says that it is God who justifies. It is from Him that all authority comes. And if He says Yes... then nothing and no one can succeed in trying to prove otherwise.
So it does not matter what the odds are... This new month and second half of the year, walk in the assurance that no matter the six months that have gone by, you know God promised something beautiful for you this year and He will do what He said He would do. His Yes is what that will make you stand. His Yes is His favour gone before you. His Yes is His word and He honors His word above His name.
If God is for us who can be against us... Romans 8:31

Inspired by Ndiyo Yako by Gloria Muliro
LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5KOYDT9G1E


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